QuotesPond is for you, if you enjoy reading, thinking and rejoicing in the fact that a small sentence or phrase could carry a deep meaning. We curate quotations and sayings from history’s most conspicuous and influential figures. We know that a few words can impact our day. Insightful quotes, make us feel inspired, they drive our thoughts, which are otherwise focused on everyday routines. We have quotes related to topics such as motivation, positivism, inspiration and friendship. We focus on collecting quotes that are meaningful, insightful, to provoke deep thoughts. You will also find sayings from popular, contemporary and new age artists and writers.
We try to deliver the best reading experience possible by keeping everything organised. You can navigate by topics or by people or search from a single word or part of the quote.
We also believe in delivering content which is shareable across the web. We designed our quotes page for better readability and ease of sharing on social media. All quotes are embed-able in your website or blog post either as an image or as text. We also provide citations if you wish to use a quote in a professional document.
All the quotes onQuotesPond are free to use, copy and share. We collect quotes from the internet, books, magazines and journals. Our criteria is simple, a quotation has to be short, because shorter quotes are easier to remember. It has to be meaningful and it also to be family friendly, it should have context or it has to be a universal truth. Our goal is to be a better collection rather than a bigger one.
We understand the value of the written and spoken words. We try our level best to avoid mistakes. There is always a chance for human errors. If you see errors, typos, or unattributed quotes, please let us know by using our contact page. We do not claim to be the biggest but we aspire to be the best. If you enjoy your experience at QuotesPond.com please like our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter.